Tuesday 12 June 2012

What Makes Your Heart, Beat?

Often, we reject what we cannot define. Anything that fits not into the four corners of common Man's thought cube, is naturally, viewed with skepticism and an uncalled for scorn. People need things they can understand, because they are afraid to think beyond what they know they can understand. We have been brought up by our societies that way; the wretched, materialistic, animal-instinct infused society where Man is cattle, and its mind is pushed to yearn for wealth and individual glory. We have forgotten how to watch the Sun set on a beach, or how to write a letter with a fountain pen that travels all over the world (in every meaning of the word) till it reaches its destination, and you can smell the seven seas in its writing. We have forgotten our goals. We have forgotten that there are other ways too that lead to happiness; ways simpler and ways more beautiful. Because at the end of a long, tiring, weary day, isn't that what we all seek? The undefineable? The abstract? Things like happiness, satisfaction, love?- but we seek these abstractions through things as solid as a brick. We seek joy through wealth, because we have forgotten the joy that the sunset gave us, the joy that holding a letter in one's hand gave us. Can anyone remind us how we loved all these things? Because we have drifted too far into a vortex that may be good for our body, but is poison for our soul. And the person who has felt true happiness, knows that it is a feeling not of the body and not derive-able from materialism, but it is a feeling of the soul, reproducible only from what "feeds the soul". And once you've been there, everything else seems so distant and so useless, and you never ever want to return to "here". Can someone take us there, again?

"Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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