Tuesday 12 June 2012

Materialism and the Worlds

I have a world inside me. There is a world outside me. Will the exposure of my world to the world outside, adulterate it? I open slowly, watching for snipers as i walk, holding my white night gown up from the muddy grounds of the enlightened land. My soul is alive, and the world is dead. The world is materialism but my soul is not materialistic. I want to shield myself from the materialism that the world's population is after. I want to be able stand at the top of a hill and see at everyone else, in their meandering pursuits of the things that will die. I can only reach the top of the hill if my soul is alive and has not died in pursuit of the dead world. I want my soul to live. To be able to appreciate the sound of nature and the touch of a falling leaf. I don't want to identify myself with the dead world. I want to be the people; i want to be the life; i want to be the soul that broke apart from God's Existence. I want to go in the direction of living; into the direction of the truth, and away from what seems to be reality but is not. Life is not a closed barrel. It is a vast, endless ocean that laps on the shore of truth, and that is what helps to keep it alive...

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